- ๐ณ We'll talk about how to use an NPM to connect our site to Google Analytics
I spent a long time determinning the correct approach to add my site to google analytics. Google only provides a javascript snippet to add to your header menu. I didn't like the approach, it didn't go nicely with hour my website was implemented. After doing some research and read few github chats and issues, I stumpled on a Node package that I could use for my site.
The package is called analytics, by Davide Wells. . The packge provides a hook, use-analtyics as a separate package, which I used to wrap my Components tag in _app.tsx.
The final code ๐:
import googleAnalytics from '@analytics/google-analytics'
import { Analytics } from 'analytics'
import { AnalyticsProvider, useAnalytics } from 'use-analytics'
/* Initialize analytics & load plugins */
const analytics = Analytics({
app: 'awesome-app',
plugins: [
measurementIds: ['<YOUR Analytics Profile ID>'],
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<AnalyticsProvider instance={analytics}>
<div id="outer-container">
<Nav />
<Menubar />
<div id="page-wrap">
<Component {...pageProps} />
<Footer />